Atmosphere For Miracles

It is unfortunate that many times we wait until everything looks hopeless before we turn to God and ask Him to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives. We would avoid so many pitfalls if we would become more sensitive to God and in child-like faith, trust and obey the voice of our Heavenly …

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Delivered From Disaster

The Prophet Jonah’s disobedience caused him extreme hardship. The people of Nineveh were enemies of God’s people. But because of His great love, God did not want them destroyed. He knew that the way they were living would cause them certain ruin so He sent a prophet to deliver them from impending disaster. But Jonah …

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Positioned For The Miraculous

The only condition placed on man in order to live in the Garden of Eden—the one thing the Creator required of him—was obedience to God’s command. Notice what Genesis 2:16 says, “And the Lord God commanded the man…” (NKJV). And in Genesis 3:11 God questions man, “And He said, ‘Who told you that you were …

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Power To Resist Poverty

It is no wonder that some people never rise above their problems. They will not wholeheartedly follow God’s plan for success. They will not even take the time to learn how to make the first step. Proverbs 6:9 says: “How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep?” (NKJV). In …

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Rise Above Problems

The spiritual qualities which are described in the ant can be attained by the person who will put forth the effort to understand God’s Word. The Bible says, “…Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8 NKJV). The Lord will empower us to become the diligent person we want to …

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God Sees Your Potential

One day a number of years ago, Dennis asked the Lord why he wasn’t experiencing certain results in his life that he knew were available to him from the Word of God. A clear answer came up in his spirit: “Like so many other people, the reason you do not experience the results you are …

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Experience God’s Power

It takes determination in the Word of God to cultivate the areas of our lives that will bring the blessing of God. But as we become more and more determined we will experience more and more of God’s mighty power at work in each different aspect of our lives. Jesus taught that the kingdom of …

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Dare To Expect God’s Best

Those who are diligent to do what God has said will receive the reward for their actions. The blessings of God will come on them and overtake them. Deuteronomy 28:1, 2 says, “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments …

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Receive Your Reward

As we invest the ability God has given us into the lives of others, we risk rejection, we risk ridicule, and we risk being misunderstood. Our faithful and wise investment will prove to be productive, however, and we will enter into continuous joy. Dare to live the adventure of this abundant life which has been …

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Invest What You Have

The third servant in the Parable of the talents was not commended by his master, but rather rebuked as a wicked and slothful servant. In addition, he was labeled unproductive. Why? What mistakes did he make? Where did he err? Let’s look at verses 24 and 25: “Then he who had received the one talent …

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Life Enrichment with Dennis and Vikki Burke

Your life can be a shining example for those experiencing impossible circumstances. Dennis and Vikki teach you how through these great resources.


Dennis Burke Ministries publishes InSights, a quarterly magazine featuring articles by Dennis and Vikki Burke, our most recent product offerings, and general ministry news.


Dennis and Vikki minister in churches and conferences around the world. For an itinerary of their upcoming meetings, click the button below, or find them in the InSights Magazine.


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