Sustained and Continued Increase

Harvest…it’s the reason for everything the successful farmer does. The plowing, the sowing, the fertilizing, the spraying is all done for the harvest. Every moment of preparation and every drop of sweat are focused on one goal—to get the maximum harvest possible from the ground into which he sows.

God’s Word tells us we should view life much like we observe a farmer sowing seed. We should see our part in making life productive and successful like the actions of the farmer.

The principle that the farmer uses to make his farmland productive is the same basic principle on which God’s entire kingdom operates. The principle of seedtime and harvest is foundational to the working of the kingdom of God. It is the manner in which His Kingdom operates.

The importance of this great truth is clearly stated in Galatians 6:7, “A man’s harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows” (Phillips). This means that the results we experience in life are a result of the seeds we sow.

Nothing we experience in life is exempt from this basic truth. Our present situation is largely a product of the seeds we have sown in the past. The good news is, the seeds we sow today can change our future.

Our future is in our hands and in our hearts in seed form. If we can learn to plant the seeds that will create the kind of life that God destined us to live in, we will find His plan becoming a reality to us.

This law of the Kingdom has existed from the beginning. In Genesis 8:22, God has declared that this law will remain for all time. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease” (NKJV).

Planting seeds and creating a harvest is the way God established the earth to be sustained and continue to increase. All of life is made up of sowing and reaping. If we sow the kind of seeds that will produce what we want in life, our reaping will be a joy. God’s system is simple and knows no social barriers—we sow and our seeds will grow.

The person who experiences increase is the one who grasps this law and develops an attitude like the farmer. The farmer knows that reaping comes only because he sows the seeds for harvest. Second Timothy 2:6 says, “The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops” (NKJV).

God is a God of increase. Just as He made the universe to continue to expand and the earth to continue to replenish itself, He made His entire Kingdom in heaven and on earth to bring continual increase. It’s God’s design! It is important to understand that God’s way is to create increase.

Like the farmer in his field, we are to create increase. And we are to be the first to benefit from the increase that comes. God expects His Word to bring increase to us. If we have not received God’s blessing for ourselves, it is going to be very difficult for us to help anyone else. Let’s press for our harvest like never before. So we can be a source of strength and help to others.

Life Enrichment with Dennis and Vikki Burke

Your life can be a shining example for those experiencing impossible circumstances. Dennis and Vikki teach you how through these great resources.


Dennis Burke Ministries publishes InSights, a quarterly magazine featuring articles by Dennis and Vikki Burke, our most recent product offerings, and general ministry news.


Dennis and Vikki minister in churches and conferences around the world. For an itinerary of their upcoming meetings, click the button below, or find them in the InSights Magazine.


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