As For Me

When God said, “As for Me,” He clearly stated His own position and settled what He would do and with whom He would do it. When God reveals His way of thinking about a matter, it becomes clear what our response should be: “As for me, I receive it!”

God spoke these words to Abram: “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations” (Genesis 17:4 NKJV). Abram took his place as the father of faith because he believed God was able to perform what He had promised. Abram changed his thinking, his name—and, ultimately, he changed history.

Joshua also established his entire family in a covenant relationship with God with this commitment: “…As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15 NKJV).

The faith response of Abram and Joshua “as for me” indicated their change of thinking to embrace God’s point of view. And as a result, they saw God’s power manifested to bring His promise to pass in their lives.

Everything God has said should become a point of change in our thoughts. That means we must learn to declare in every situation: “As for me, whatever God has said is true for me!” It is life-changing when we declare truths like these every day. As we do, we will cause God’s thoughts to become settled and established in our own way of thinking. If we’ll make a practice of doing the following five things, we will set each day on the right course so it can be filled with God’s power and presence. We can turn our life around—one day at a time.

1. Imagine the good things God wants for the day. A positive concept of the day will have a strong impact on how it plays out.

2. Pray in faith and receive God’s blessing on the day. Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” We can determine that we will receive the best of God’s goodness throughout the day.

3. Plan a good day. It has been said: “Plan your work, then work your plan.” Put some thought into what will make this day fulfilling and successful.

4. Be grateful. Thank God in advance for His blessings, for health, for prosperity, and for His guidance. Thankfulness is our faith in action.

5. Sow the right seeds. Our thoughts, words, attitudes, and actions are all seeds that will set a course. The fruit of the spirit within will bring self-control to the surface and override our feelings, filling us with God’s joy and peace.

We can change our feelings, our attitude, our future, and our life. We are empowered to be changed when we begin to think like God thinks and to see ourselves and the situations we face from His point of view.

Life Enrichment with Dennis and Vikki Burke

Your life can be a shining example for those experiencing impossible circumstances. Dennis and Vikki teach you how through these great resources.


Dennis Burke Ministries publishes InSights, a quarterly magazine featuring articles by Dennis and Vikki Burke, our most recent product offerings, and general ministry news.


Dennis and Vikki minister in churches and conferences around the world. For an itinerary of their upcoming meetings, click the button below, or find them in the InSights Magazine.


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