Through maintaining a deep and intimate communion with God we have the assurance
of victory upon victory. We have the Spirit of God to overcome any obstacle or challenge. The same spiritual principles that clearly brought Joshua
into the inheritance of his dreams have never altered. They will keep us on course as well.
Joshua had achieved what had seemed impossible. He had brought this nation to a place of utter dedication and total victory in the land of Canaan. One
man’s fearless faith had lifted an entire nation from oppression and poverty into power and prosperity in the presence of God.
Israel was in possession of the land of their dreams. All their lives,
they had heard how their father Abraham had come into this place of promise in obedience to God. Now they stood, not merely in the memory of Abraham’s
past greatness, but in the reality of God’s greatness that had been revealed to them.
Joshua was very old. He had rallied the nation not to himself, but to God. His entire life had demonstrated the potential of one who is single-minded in
his devotion to God. As he addressed the elders for the last time, once again he pointed them only to God. There was a marked absence of any self-exaltation
or recitation of his own achievements. He reminded them of the past mercy and faithfulness of Jehovah. He urged them to continue in the power of their
relationship with God and unwavering loyalty to Him.
Then, like the leader he had always been, he clearly affirmed his own unbending position: “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).
With that statement, Joshua summed up all that he knew and felt. His life would end in the same victory and devotion that he had consistently embraced.
He would point them to God and God alone.
The success of his leadership was proved when the response of the elders rang out: “And the Lord drove out from before us all the people, even the Amorites
which dwelt in the land: therefore will we also serve the Lord; for he is our God” (v. 18).
Joshua was a man of vision. He led Israel into victory and filled them with his vision. He gave them the ability to see beyond what faced them, and to
become totally aware of the greatness of their God. God trained him to look beyond the immediate to the ultimate result.
To have vision means exactly that: “to see beyond ordinary sight, to perceive a revelation or glimpse beyond the natural world.” God gave Israel a vision
that would transport them out of their immediate situation and into His plan. When Joshua would run with the vision, Israel would follow.
The question is will we make the same commitment Joshua made: “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”? If so, say this out loud: “As for me,
I will serve the Lord.” Our fearless faith and devotion to the Lord will lift us from oppression and poverty into power and prosperity in the presence
of God. We can possess our dreams just like Israel did when we obey the direction of the Lord for our lives.