God Can Turn It Around

Life’s distractions can fill our minds with what I call “static.” This static can hinder us from hearing the Holy Spirit. It’s similar to what happens when we’re listening to a radio station while driving our cars. If we travel too far from the source transmitting the broadcast, static will interfere with what we want to hear. And if we keep driving away from the source, before long we won’t hear anything but static.

However, all we have to do to solve the problem is get closer to the source; then the broadcast will come in loud and clear. Much like the static that interferes with a radio broadcast, the “static” from the world can interfere with our ability to hear the Holy Spirit. But when we draw closer to the Source of truth, we will hear what He is saying loud and clear.

When the Holy Spirit warns us of an upcoming or potential disaster, He fully intends for us to pray and use our God-given authority to control the situation. Jesus said, “Believe me, whatever you forbid upon earth will be what is forbidden in Heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be what is permitted in Heaven” (Matthew 18:18 Phillips).

We can forbid disaster and change what the devil has planned. Or we can do nothing and, by our lack of action, permit the devil to have his way. God gave us the assignment to have dominion and subdue the earth (see Genesis 1:28). We won’t be fearful when the Holy Spirit warns us of adverse things to come when we know how to exercise the authority God has given us to change circumstances and live as overcomers in the midst of every situation.

A well-known prophet delivered this message in 1998 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

“You will begin to hold back disasters that the devil had planned, not only in weather, not only in money, but also in politics and in the affairs of nations, for God Almighty is Ruler in the affairs of men. And when My Word is strong in your spirit and strong in your mouth, I will use you as a control point. And when disasters are planned, you will stand up and say, ‘No!'”

There has never been a more appropriate time to exercise our authority than this hour we’re living in right now.

When the enemy came against Joseph for the dream God gave him, Joseph didn’t collapse under the pressure of the mistreatment he experienced. Instead, he kept his focus on the dream and kept his heart right toward those who abused him. As a result, he worked with God to make the dream a reality. When Joseph finally met his treasonous brothers face to face, he said, “As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil, for He brought me to this high position I have today so that I could save the lives of many people” (Genesis 50:20 TLB).

No matter what the devil plans against us, God can turn it around and bring good out of what the enemy meant for evil.

Life Enrichment with Dennis and Vikki Burke

Your life can be a shining example for those experiencing impossible circumstances. Dennis and Vikki teach you how through these great resources.


Dennis Burke Ministries publishes InSights, a quarterly magazine featuring articles by Dennis and Vikki Burke, our most recent product offerings, and general ministry news.


Dennis and Vikki minister in churches and conferences around the world. For an itinerary of their upcoming meetings, click the button below, or find them in the InSights Magazine.


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